I help nonprofits build trust, create impact, and inspire belonging.

Are you a nonprofit leader of an established organization who…
🎲Feels like you're gambling with the ripple effects of a disengaged community?
👋Struggles with volunteer recruitment and retention?
🫣Wishes you weren't stuck in dated and transactional engagement routines?​
😢 Worries about how important relationships, reputation, and revenue are being affected by all of it?
Your team is doing their best but these things still happen…
😯 The Development Team finds out through conversations that important donors are current or past volunteers. Without documentation of this information in the donor database, they miss giving opportunities!
🫣 Long-term volunteers complain or leave because they feel annoyed and unseen when they try to explore new roles because they're given the same screening, treatment, and training as brand new people.
😡 People with Lived Experience feel tokenized or exploited when they’re asked to volunteer in roles that require sharing trauma and reliving difficult experiences.
🤯 Employees are freaking out when they realize they’ve neglected to consult one another before scheduling overlapping meetings and events that involve the same volunteers.
I'm an award-winning volunteer engagement professional who has led strategic transformations at some of Canada’s largest nonprofits and dozens of grassroots groups. I hold the CVA credential and teach a Volunteer Management course at Fleming College. I am an expert in creating meaningful roles, processes, and environments where stakeholders feel seen and included.
How I can help:
Step 1) Apply for a Strategic Consultation.
Step 2) We discuss your organization's situation.
Step 3) You begin building trust and community inside your organization through ethical volunteerism, which (I promise) will help you sleep better at night.