Self-Advocacy Resources for Leaders of Volunteers
Please find some links to resources that may interest you below.
Share your self-advocacy goal with me! I'll help you stay accountable and check in after six months.
15 Rules for Negotiating a Job Offer
Promoting Job Equity for VEPs: Full Report
The Nonprofit Industrial Complex: What Is It and How Does It Work?
Nonprofit Industrial Complex 101: A Primer on how it Upholds Inquity and Flattens Resistance
Beyond the Non-Profit Industrial Complex (INCITE!)
You're not feeling imposter syndrome, you are an imposter: identity and belonging in non-profit work
Are you engaging in Toxic Niceness and perpetuating inequity? 7 questions to ask yourself
Non-profits are prone to toxic work environments, experts say
A State of Unrest: Are We Perpetuating Urgency Culture?
Asking For What You Want Without Looking Greedy
How trauma can show up in our relationship with money — and what can be done about it
Resisting a Rest: How Urgency Culture Polices our Work | CharityVillage
TEDxOverlake - Susan Scott - The Case for Radical Transparency